Tuesday, September 7, 2010

In horizontal orbit

The line is not original. It is the name of a book written by somebody who, like me, has spent a lot of time in a hospital. When you go to tests or x-rays or MRIs you are pushed on a gurney through the halls of the hospital and all you can see are the tiles of the ceiling going by.


I spent today in a kind of horizontal orbit waiting to be transferred back to the rehabilitation ward where I can resume my therapy. The process most of the day. We thought we were ready to go and then some silly nurse transcribed a discharge note which means that the note was recorded and sent to someone else to be typed. Naturally, we had to wait for the typing to be complete before the transfer could resume. At some time my wife had a melt down in front of the unit supervisor and with the sheer force of her personality was able to speed up the terminally slow process. By three o'clock in the afternoon I was finally back on the rehab wards ready to resume the therapy that will eventually get me out of this hospital but, this process cannot start until tomorrow.

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